Newborn PhotographerSally Salerno



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Newborn PhotographerSally Salerno

Designing an Organized Nursery

Designing your nursery

Designing an Organized Nursery Designing an Organized Nursery. One of the most exciting parts of preparing to bring home your newborn is setting up the nursery — though it can also be stressful. You want a space that is functional and, of course, cute. Sometimes a nursery can become a cluttered, chaotic space, especially after...

Helping Older Siblings Cope with a New Baby

newborn baby boy being hugged by older sisters

Helping Older Siblings Cope with a New Baby Helping Older Siblings Cope with a New Baby. Preparing to bring your new baby home is an exciting time. But when there are other siblings at home, it can be a bit scary too. How will big brother or sister react? Will he be excited? Scared? Jealous?...



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Newborn PhotographerSally Salerno