Newborn PhotographerSally Salerno



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Newborn PhotographerSally Salerno

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Raleigh Newborn Photographer | Pebbles and Polkadots Workshop

Raleigh Newborn Photographer First off I have to say I was so LUCKY to be able take a workshop with Mary, owner of Pebbles and Polkadots Photography! I have followed her work over the years and honestly, I just drool over it. She is truly an artist in every way. I have spent the...

Raleigh Newborn Photographer | Baby Cole

Raleigh Newborn Photographer Oh My Goodness!!!! Meet one week old sweet baby boy Cole! Check out those cheeks and he was so tall!!!! He was simply so cute…I cannot even begin to tell you how awesome he was for his first modeling shoot!   He slept like a charm through his entire session and was seriously...

Raleigh Newborn Photographer | Why Do a Newborn Session?

sleeping newborns

Raleigh Newborn Photographer BABIES! Who doesn’t love them!? Pregnancy can feel like it lasts a lifetime but Newborns are only new for such a short time! We forget how little they can be just after a few months! That small squishy bit ‘o baby truly lasts only a couple of weeks. Those are the weeks...

Raleigh Newborn Photographer | Baby Presley

sleeping newborns

Raleigh Newborn Photographer Oh My Goodness!!!! Meet ten day old sweet baby girl Presley!  I cannot tell you how awesome she was!!! She slept like a charm through her entire mini session!!! She is such a lucky little girl because she really did have the most amazing parents. Normally I always say this because this...

Raleigh Newborn Photographer | Baby Luca

Raleigh Newborn Photographer | Sally Salerno Photography |

Raleigh Newborn Photographer Oh My Goodness!!!! Meet one week old sweet baby boy Luca!  I cannot tell you how awesome he was!!! He is a natural model! He was so perfect and even more handsome! I have always loved the name Luca and I wanted to use it (but on a little girl because I...



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through my lens

Newborn PhotographerSally Salerno