Newborn PhotographerSally Salerno



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Newborn PhotographerSally Salerno

Baby Registry | Sally Salerno Photography

Newborn baby boy in brown bucket and plaid blanket

Baby Registry | Sally Salerno Photography Baby Registry Sally Salerno Photography. It’s Official! I am launching an easy way to add a gift registry to your list of items you may want for your baby shower! You will now have the option to add a gift registry upon booking your session with Sally Salerno Photography!...

Newborn Behavior: What to Expect From Your Baby

Newborn Behavioor

Newborn Behavior: What to Expect From Your Baby Newborn Behavior: What to Expect From Your Baby. If you haven’t spent much time around newborns, you might find yourself a bit anxious with your own baby. Their movements, reactions, and fussiness are all caused by something, but what is it exactly? Every child is different, but...



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Newborn PhotographerSally Salerno